hydroponic agriculture造句


  1. During the workshop, Rahim also introduced participants to an alternative to hydroponic agriculture.
  2. A windowfarm, incorporating discarded plastic bottles into pots for hydroponic agriculture in urban windows
  3. This is in part to force Earth to make necessary reforms, the use of robots, hydroponic agriculture, and population control.
  4. They have an underground civilization, perhaps with hydroponic agriculture and nuclear power, and survive indefinitely without blue skies and sunshine, perhaps mutating into Morlocks.
  5. As it is practiced in Almeria, hydroponic agriculture _ the growth of plants in a nutrient solution, with or without soil _ uses more water than the environment can provide, steadily draining the aquifer.
  6. It's difficult to find hydroponic agriculture in a sentence. 用hydroponic agriculture造句挺难的


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  5. "hydroponic"造句
  6. "hydroponic culture"造句
  7. "hydroponic dosers"造句
  8. "hydroponic farm"造句
  9. "hydroponic farming"造句
  10. "hydroponic garden"造句

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